Getting Started with Famtography

You're on your way to making ✨beautiful memories✨

How to Activate Your Weekly Prompts

Text "Activate" to Famtography
Phone Number: +44 7700 174319

For legal reasons, you'll need to confirm that you wish to receive text messages from Famtography after you text in. Be sure to reply with "Yes".

Once done, you can start the prompts whenever you're ready!
Text "Start Prompts" to the same number
When you've activated, we're ready when you are! Text "Start Prompts" to the same phone number to begin. Be sure to align with your partner if you want do follow the same schedule!

You'll receive a beginners checklist and your weekly prompts will start the following Saturday and follow a weekly schedule from there. 
Read through your Prompts & Tips
Each week you'll receive a bite-sized Photo Prompt that guides your photo that week and a Mobile Photography Tip that will help you make every frame picture-perfect.

They're simple enough to easily fit into a 5 to 10-minute space somewhere in your week. Low commitment for lasting memories!

Everything you need to take amazing photos.

Binge through the Master the Art of Mobile Family Photography course as quickly as you'd like or simply dive into examples of S.N.A.P. photos in this all-access guide!

Access the Guide  


Enjoy Famtography!

I hope you have the most amazing time creating your time capsule and the joy it will bring to you and your family for generations to come!

It made a difference for ME, and I KNOW it can make a difference for your family as well.


Sarah Boland