
Candid photos captured of you and your kids as a single parent

You asked, we answered. Famtography's weekly photo prompts & bite-sized tutorials will teach you how to capture beautiful candid photos of you with your kids when no one is around to help you take the photo.

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Do you need Famtography?

How many of these sound familiar to you?

You don't have any photos WITH your kids

You're a solo parent so all your photos are of your kids or selfies because no one is around to take photos.

I'm unhappy with photos of me

When you ARE in the photo the angles, lighting, and/or expressions are totally off.

I spend $$$ on family photo sessions

Because you don't have great photos, you spend hundreds on a 30 minute family photo session every year for only 10 photos

I just want more memories!

You look back at your camera roll and realize you never captured enough of the everyday moments.

Imagine looking back on the "good old days" and knowing you're not in them.

Parenting is hard. Solo parenting is even harder. When you're alone and there's no one around to capture a photo with you in them, what does it mean when it's time to look back on family memories? Will you leave your kids with photos of you to look back on?

We don't get lost time back. From crawling to running, to playtime and goodnight kisses - get yourself in the photo (and video) too starting today.

Mr.Courtney Henry


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Get in touch with us for details on additional services and custom work pricing

Hi, I’m Sarah, I’m serial entrepreneur and former professional photographer/ videographer with over 10 years of experience. Oh, and I’m a new mom to identical twin boys.

This image is why I started Famtography. In the first 4 months of motherhood, this was the only image my husband took of me without me having to ask. I live for the simple everyday moments like waking up to two smiling boys, story time, or hiking in the woods. When I have to ask “can you grab a quick video of us?” that joyous family moment is diminished.

In discussions with other parents I found that I wasn’t alone, other couples were having similar issues. I created Famtography to help people like my husband develop the habit of capturing life’s little moments, so that we can relive them later and it's turned into so much more. This doesn’t mean living these precious moments through a screen at all times, but learning cues about when and how to take photos so that so my kids will have memories with me in them too is important.


Sarah Boland

Founder & CEO


OMG, I NEED Famtography!

It's always too late when we realize we can't take photos of yesterday. Create beautiful memories with the whole family with this SUPER easy to follow program.