Do you need Famtography?
You don't have any photos with your kids
I'm unhappy with photos of me
I spend $$$ on family photo sessions
I just want more memories!
How it works
Building a habit takes time and commitment, but that doesn't mean it should feel exhausting! We'll send just one curated photo prompt a week plus a mobile photography tip or tutorial to help make your photo memories shine. Takes less than 5 minutes each week.Â
We use a simple, but encompassing method to help catch life's special, candid moments. Learn the secret to capturing memories that you and your kids will cherish forever.
These days, even a mobile phone can capture silver-screen worthy photography and video. That is - if you know how to use it! Learn from 10,000+ hours of film and photography background and blow friends & family away with your pictures.
Over the course of the program you will find yourself with the most beautiful and heartwarming collection of your family's most sincere, hilarious, and precious everyday moments. A priceless time capsule for you, your children, and beyond.
Before & After Famtography
Photos with you & your partner actually in them
Beautiful Images

REAL Life Moments
Capsule Collection of Your Life

Photos with you & your partner actually in them
Beautiful Images
REAL Life Moments
Capsule Collection of Your Life
Images our Users Captured
What's Included
Text Prompts
Photography Tips
& Tutorials
Easy to follow
video tutorials
Famtography Presets for amazing photos
Total Value: ÂŁ634Normally: ÂŁ49SPECIAL OFFER: ÂŁ29
1 Year of Habit-Building Photo Prompts, Texted Weekly (Value: ÂŁ99)
3 Famtography Presets (Value: ÂŁ29)
"Mastering Family Photography With Your Phone" Guide (Value: ÂŁ99)
MUST have Apps & Tutorials Checklist (Value: ÂŁ19)
Crash Course on Filmmaking & Editing Videos form your Phone (Value: ÂŁ29)
Saving on the Cost of Hiring a Professional Photography (Value: ÂŁ349)
DIY Self-Timer Family Portrait Session Tutorial (ÂŁ19)
A lifelong time-capsule of everyone and your precious family moments together - Priceless
What will I learn in the Family Photography Guide?
Everything you need to capture beautifully shot memories with your family using just a mobile phone! Both parents can follow the tips and lessons weekly via text message, or binge through and learn from all of our lessons using our all-access guide.
Getting Started

No Risk, Money Back Guaranteed

Hi, I’m Sarah, I’m serial entrepreneur and former professional photographer/ videographer with over 10 years of experience. Oh, and I’m a new mom to identical twin boys.
This image is why I started Famtography. In the first 4 months of motherhood, this was the only image my husband took of me without me having to ask. Love the man to death, but holy shit, he is useless at remembering to take photos/videos. I live for the simple everyday moments like waking up to two smiling boys, story time, or hiking in the woods. When I have to ask “can you grab a quick video of us?” that joyous family moment is diminished.
In discussions with other parents I found that I wasn’t alone, other couples were having similar issues. I created Famtography to help people like my husband develop the habit of capturing life’s little moments, so that we can relive them later. This doesn’t mean living these precious moments through a screen at all times, but learning cues about when and how to take photos so that so my kids will have memories with me in them too is important.
Sarah Boland
Founder & CEO