We heard your feedback!

Sorry! These should have been at the beginning of Famtography...

Hey Folks, It's Sarah, the founder of Famtography! I've had the privilege to hop on calls with some of you over the past few weeks and have recieved incredible feedback on what's working and what isn't. It boiled down to 3 major things that we didn't have inside of Famtography. We are updating our backend so people who purchase Famtography going forward will get these in their first few prompts & I wanted to drop them below so you will see even better results too! 

1. Getting your partner excited about Famtography. If you're signing your partner up for Famtography, it's probably because they're not a natural documentor. I get it. My husband was the same way too. I created a video that shares WHY it's important to document (of all family members) along with a few tips and exercises to help get your partner on board. Watch the short video here: What is Famtography? 

2. Creating a shared icloud/ google photos album. The first thing you should do when you sign-up for Famtography is create a shared album. Each week when you/your partner takes the photo from the prompt, throw it into the shared folder so you can actually see what they're shooting. If you don't see any photos getting added, this might be a good indictoor that they're not actually taking photos. Please confirm with them that they're getting the prompts. If your partner is getting the tips but still doesn't take pictures, do the exercise in this video with them: How to Set up Shared Albums

3. Posing/angles on candid moments. I got a lot of feedback that they're getting more pictures (yay, prompts are working!) BUT.... the photos are still turning out "meh". This usually boils down to ONE thing: The angle at which the photo is taken. If you have a good angle captured, stuff like adding a filter can improve things like bad lighting. See the 5 tips below that walk through THE BEST angles for common scenarios: Snuggles on the couch, sitting at a table, bedtime stories & more! 

4. Feedback
Lastly, I'd LOVE to get some feedback from you on how Famtography is going and how we can improve the experience whether you purchased it because you wanted more photos, or if you found it because your partner wanted more photos. If you have 5 minutes, please click the links below and send me your thoughts!

Feedback Links
(select the one that applies to you, opens in a new tab)

I wanted more photos

My partner wanted photos

Best Angles for:

Bedtime Snuggles

Click the image below to watch a short tutorial
Make them the HERO of the shot

A simple lens change for a DRAMATIC difference

Click the image below to watch a short tutorial
Best angles for:

Couch Cuddles

Click the image below to watch a short tutorial
It comes down to this...

Make sure you can see their beautiful faces! 

Click the image below to watch a short tutorial
Best angles for:

Sitting at the table

Click the image below to watch a short tutorial
Best Angles for:

Story time

Click the image below to watch a short tutorial